- Value
- Hue
- Monochromatic color combination
- Complementary color combination
- Analogous color combination
- Triadic color combination
- Dominance --> determined by value and hue
- balance
- grids
- typography
- composition
- layout
- alignment
- proximity
Analyzing value and dominance
- what are the lightest structures in display?
- Divide them into two more levels of gray values
- Are the appropriate elements dominant?
- Is the layout balanced?
- If one element needs to be adjusted, what will the impact be on everything else?
- Text has to be Visible, legible, readable.
- Visibility:
- size
- contrast
- interference
- occlusion
- Legibility (letter forms):
- letter spacing
- character shapes (image resolution)
- contrast
- interference
- Readability:
- Line length: ideal-2/3 and 1/3 of a standard page width; no scrolling or wall-to-wall text
- Letter forms: lowercase letters are easier to read
- Typeface: Book faces (serif or sans-serif) for texts; display or italic faces for short titles or labels.
- justification: ragged right
- text as visuals:
- The gray value of your text has to be moderate
- Factors influencing the value: typeface, point size,
- You can make your text "shout" through typeface selection, point size, boldness, italics, and color.
- Typefaces convey affective meaning through metaphor and through common use
Questions to ask:
- Need further clarification on how to analyze the dominance and balance.
- Produce a value analysis and a grid diagram for your assigned website. (where?)
No need to produce a value analysis and grid diagram yet. It will come later... Great notes!